Identification data of the venture (Telecom-Fort Ltd.)


Proper name of the company: TELECOM-FORT Szolgáltató Kft.
Corporate form:  Limited Liability Company
Form of the ownership:   Hungarian private property
Seat and phone number:  2092 Budakeszi, Szüret u. 4.
  Phone: (+36 23) 453-000, 453-671
  Fax:     (+36 23) 452-790, 452-919
Name of company's  representative: Ildikó MAGYAR
Allowed sphere of activity: Technological Installation of Equipment Telecommunication Primary Contracting and Maintenance
  Providing Technical Expertise
  Professional Construction Works
Date of establishment: 7. November, 1990.
Since when is carried out the telecom network installation activity: 1991.
Quality certificate: ISO 9001 - SGS, 3rd September 1996.
Latest checking: 3. February, 2010 (ISO 9001:2008)
Number of Certificate: HU/00/18216